1. Sarah Jessica Fernandez avatar

    Thats great news! =D

  2. AngelofMusic465 avatar

    Oh snap!!! On an awards show!! yes!!!! Can I catch it on regular MTV?? or is it a totally different channel???

  3. marujas avatar

    yay!!! bsb on LOS PREMIOS 09!!!!! live from LA!!!! :D cant wait!

  4. sofdlovesbsb avatar

    That's exciting to see them on an awards show again,it's been way to long.

  5. *^MiZz_KaOZ^* avatar

    YAY!! Of course!! I see!! WOW!

  6. *^MiZz_KaOZ^* avatar

    YAY!! Of course!! I see!! WOW!

  7. sofdlovesbsb avatar

    haha you beat me too it Gina haha and it's On October 15th someone told me.

  8. gina818 avatar

    OMG Matt where? in which city? I live in Bogota and it's one of the cities the show will take place in... I'm freakin out right now lmao please find out =S

  9. bsbliveson12 avatar


  10. Kaos-girl avatar

    Matt... we need that info. It's VERY VERY important. Will they be at the show in Los Angeles or are they going to another city for the awards???