1. zar171 avatar

    Who won?!

  2. Sue Duzak avatar

    Did they announce the winners yet? Did I miss something?

  3. babyaniag avatar

    I wish whoever want to go from FC could go :) I wish good luck to everybody and myself :)))

  4. Frack128NGC avatar

    Only one more day till the winners are announced! I can't wait!

  5. Beth315 avatar

    haha i know..im soo tired..but very determined!!! have to earn those points!!

  6. barbm218 avatar

    keeping up with these contests are like a full time job!!

  7. Sydney avatar

    Good luck to everyone. It would be so fantastic to go to something like this! Wish I didn't live in Australia at the moment.

  8. Beth315 avatar

    how do they have 200??? i thought the maximum of people was 200...

  9. Gee avatar

    Just a heads up Z100 and KTU are both giving away tickets now..Z100 said they have 200 so no clue as to how many the Fan Club got. PC Richards and Son theater isnt that big so hopefully we could all go who entered! I am keeping my fingers crossed...is anyone going to the early show?? I am!! Cant wait to see them!!!

  10. BrazilLuvsBSB avatar

    LOL people it was eddie who posted it LOL