1. babyaniag avatar

    i hate this :(

  2. barbm218 avatar

    4 phones going and NOTHING! might as well throw in the towel!

  3. NVartuli avatar

    Closest I got was 91 & I've been trying alllll day...

  4. MrsK1108 avatar

    this is tough! =(

  5. beti kamigama - Peru avatar

    buu i live in Peru buuu

  6. amanda avatar

    and if we don't win?? i've been tryin since yesterday with no luck. are there any other options?? like seriously the only way is to win??? not fairrrrrr!!!!

  7. babyaniag avatar

    this is stupid they should give this away here in fanclub !!! WE are the bigest fans !!!! Some people just call because they say ahh what the hell let just go and see them WE ARE YOUR BIGEST FANS HERE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! grrrrrr

  8. Slugby avatar

    plus im not even 100% sure i have tickets. they never aired anything for anyone when i "won". ive been trying to get through just to confirm that and haven't reached anyone

  9. Slugby avatar

    they wont. but my grandma wants to go and she cant call in herself so we're helping her

  10. bsbnicksgurl15 avatar

    and slugy i dont think they will let you win twice.. thats just not fair