1. KizzleKrista avatar

    Congrats Clau!! I'm happy for everyone who was able to get it! (including me! lol)

  2. Sway_Shay avatar

    I had the same problem when I was trying to check out, no clue what I did but it did work after lol.

  3. Clau Carter avatar

    I could buy it, finally !!! :)

  4. Clau Carter avatar

    anyone could buy one yet?

  5. Clau Carter avatar

    ok Krista!! I'll keep trying!

  6. Rosita avatar

    Points have a deathline???

  7. KizzleKrista avatar

    Clau, that same thing happened to me, just keep refreshing that page where you can purchase it (where it says in stock or not) and hopefully it will show up to get!

  8. Audrey avatar

    Like the idea of getting something kinda "collector"......thanks for organizing it :)
    Too bad I do not have enought points lol blah...next time ;)

  9. Frack's_Shorty avatar

    I really really want this, i'm trying to get more points!

  10. Clau Carter avatar

    OMG I got one but I can't check out!! :( It says THERE WAS A PROBLEM WITH MY SUBMITION!!!! :(