1. kate85 avatar

    maybe a stupid question =S but... when you purchased the CD remixes or others stuffw with thr points.. you loose all your points or you still earn?!?!

  2. Sway_Shay avatar

    Well there is a reason of that. Sure everyone wants more points the main thing is to not post random blogs to just get points which has happened before.

    Just be careful but feel free to do what u want. :)

  3. erikalynnexrok avatar

    people have more points then other cause they got transferred over from the old FC.

  4. spanishpitbull avatar

    oh yeah the thread about blogs.....you can check what people post in their blogs...lol

    they can't control the blogs...anyway lets move to anotehr contest lol

  5. Renate Izelin avatar

    I think abusing the blogs are wrong, but right now they're kinda asking for it.. Don't you think?

    Anyways... I'm trying not to do so myself by making each blog contain something that's actually happening in my life... I just spread it out in more blogs then one huge one for now.. lmao

    I'm sorry MATT & co, but... You don't really leave me any choice if I'm suppose to have points like this thing everytime something ''exclusive'' is up and we are able to use the points as ''$$''. If you know what I mean???

    Oh well... Off to figure out how to blog more... lol

  6. AwesomeArianna avatar

    Yah guys dont spam the blogs. You could loose all of your points. It has happened before to people. It could happen again

  7. kate85 avatar

    Oh sorry for the caps =\

  8. janske avatar

    i know the rules about blogging...but who can deside if a blog is useless or not...there are not that many fans who can have at least 2500 points without blogging to many times...

    btw i've posted a new blog...yay...10 more points.. ;-)

  9. kate85 avatar

    STMH VIDEO PLAY ON TV NOW ^.^ #1 (at top 5 English music)

  10. Sway_Shay avatar

    You know there is a thread bout abusing the point system and then losing all your points.

    Matt - I got a question, does the same rules apply here as they do over at the Nick's FC? If not I think it should. :)