1. MARIAN avatar

    i LOVED it =)

  2. bsbbrianfan avatar

    I saw it! They were only on for like 10 seconds! LOL! But it was worth it!

  3. Rosita avatar

    They are abroad to Singapure... time has flight :P I can't wait to see you on stage guys :)

  4. Rosita avatar

    BSB with Aaron... that was so cute :)

  5. melis584 avatar

    they are so cute :)

  6. BSBCANDY85 avatar

    loved !t

  7. bsb_forever avatar

    boo i missed it!! i need more notice about these things lol i'm sad now. hopefully i'll find it somewhere

  8. Clau Carter avatar

    I can't watch it tonight :(

    I hope I can watch it later!

  9. Lelove avatar


  10. sofdlovesbsb avatar

    Thanks for posting,saw them on Access Hollywood singing STMH Accapella with Aaron,it was awesome and than saw the Red carpet inteview where tom daley interviewed the boys,it was a great Interview,hope someone can get them on the show Mid October before the tour starts,we would all love to see them perform on DWTS,it would be great.