1. Cris avatar

    That's so nice!!!

  2. Jami2523 avatar

    LOVE that the boys are there supporting Aaron!!! :)

  3. LaurenNY88 avatar

    i'm watching...aaron did very well for the first dance!! he's got the highest score so far!! its sooo cute that the guys are all there!! nick looks soo proud of him and hot haha

  4. erikalynnexrok avatar

    we might see them again!
    aaron has one more dance to do :D

  5. SilvinaR avatar

    Oh I wanna watch it....mmmm let´s see if I can find some video on You Tube!
    Thanks Justin!


  6. Sway_Shay avatar

    w00t w00t! :)

  7. KizzleKrista avatar

    Yep, definetly watched it!! lol Aaron did so well, easpically for only the first night :) And it was so great to see all of BSB there supporting him! Nick looked so very proud of his little bro =D He got a 22 out of 30 for a score! Very good.....I'm sure he'll last very long in this compitition!!

  8. Helene avatar

    Damn it, why do I live in Belgium and can't see such random appearences of the boys!! GGrr!! Thank God for YouTube :D

    Enjoy watching it all!

  9. Kizzle3 avatar

    LMAO A little late Justin they were already shown like 10 mins ago hahahah you crack me up always running late eh haha

  10. Mini Ro avatar

    its already on and you're posting this NOW!!!!!
    Thank god we do not wait for you Justin to give us news!!!! ;)