1. Asia avatar

    Some of them have some holiday now ;)

  2. Baggins avatar


    Can some tell me if the VIP meet & greet packages are with both bands or do you have to choose either NKOTB or BSB?


  3. lisa.lila avatar

    They need to pop over to New Zealand after Australia and they haven't done Asia have they? (I haven't been keeping up), they do deserve a long rest but they also need to show the fans all over some love; we're the ones that put them where they are today and continue to buy their products..not to sound mean or anything but I know I would be so upset if they didn't come here because they have "toured enough" or what have you..

    There's nothing planned after December according to the tour section so they could have a 3 month break before starting Europe :)

  4. SkinnyRavs1982 avatar

    I wouldn't think they'd keep touring after Australia, in my opinion they should finish it here in May and go for a really, really long holiday! haha

  5. Asia avatar

    This tour in Europe it was 4 tickets/per person/per show.

  6. howiefan avatar

    I would have guessed around the $150 mark

  7. Sophie(Sweden) avatar

    @howiefan: 6 tix per venue :)

  8. Bec_DownUnder avatar

    Tickets will be $150

  9. lisa.lila avatar

    Ticket limit is usually 6 or 8 per person per concert and the ticketek sale is completely not related to the fan club sale so if you want FC tickets you come to this site, if you want ticketek you go to ticketek.

    Prices haven't been released but they've been between $100-$110 previous tours (FC tickets that is; ticketek are usually $89-$105.) You don't usually find out FC prices until you go to buy the tickets (or someone posts it)

  10. Ranonie avatar

    Hi does anyone know the price of the tickets? they dont have much information about the price or seatingplans on the venue website yet