1. Ilze avatar

    Well, maybe I have already said that! I LOVE NICK on Twitter!!! He is so funny! :)

  2. Sherri avatar

    really Nick WOW - WARNING it's addicting stop while you can!
    facebook - twitter - myspace ; what is the world is going on with the world

  3. Lauraa avatar

    it shows that he's addicted! LOL

  4. H avatar

    following him every day, and now on facebook :)

  5. Scarlette avatar

    NICK, you should visit Richmond Hill again!!

  6. Joanie119 avatar

    where's his cell #?

  7. lmb_bsb avatar

    haha i love how he gave his cell number

  8. AngelgirlDorough avatar

    Yea, I'm already following on it and is been going wild with it lol! But I like.

  9. Luana and Valquiria avatar

    Hey u crazy man! LOL! We are following u in twitter every day! I'm so sick about this! Get out there... That's the only way for we return to live again... =/

  10. Mariana avatar

    thanks to him.. I'm a twitter maniac know... and because of that he get distracted... xD