1. *Britty* avatar

    I hope everyone gets all snazzy for prom!!!

  2. sofdlovesbsb avatar

    99 days to go til were on the boat yay lol

  3. LinseyLovesBSB avatar

    Anyone heard or know when their gong to announce the twitter contest winner? Just curious lol

  4. goldhamsterj avatar

    Everyone who is going, i wish lots of fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun...enjoy this incredible trip with the guys

  5. Silvana B avatar

    ql indoooooooo bsb :)

  6. Maríaepetit avatar

    such a lucky girl!

  7. BASTRID(nuga602) avatar

    omg que suerte.

  8. LinseyLovesBSB avatar

    Never been to a prom before, would so love to get all glamed up. Pick me pretty plz, anyone know when they will be picking contest no2 winner, hope its real soon, winner would have so much to organise. Please don't leave it too late guys, Good luck everyone!

  9. Jocelyn avatar

    REally hope I win. after the year of hell I've had I could really use a win.
    getting hit by a truck sucks!

  10. Shawn avatar

    Reading those themes have me even more heart broken that I couldn't go this year ! Hope to catch the next one