1. Zakukla avatar

    aw this totally sucks! i feel so bad for anyone who had to go through that! i know how devestated i was after the Dublin 2009 tickets i bought on presale for 2nd row were resold by the venue and we weren't told anything about it until we turned up at the door to find out that actually what we had bought in faith of 2nd row floor was infact 6 rows back in the tiered seating area due to a screw up, and i don't know about the others in the same position as me but i know we got no refund, no compensation just SORRY...cos that covers it ...right????

  2. Ashley avatar

    Awe...that is sad news! :( I feel horrible for people who didnt get that wonderful experience! I would be super upset!

  3. Clau Carter avatar

    this was too sad! :(

  4. Steph DW avatar

    aww I would be so sad!

  5. unblinkable avatar

    wow. is it really true though 1 person? -__-

  6. inlovewithbsb avatar

    wow id b so dissapointed!. hope they gotten a refund. and all is well. :) KTBSPA!

  7. sweetfb avatar

    I would be so sad, I hope the person gets a refund

  8. NicoleRN avatar

    that's really sad.......I would be so upset........I will be so hoping the guys do the Ottawa VIP in August.......!!!!

  9. francocarterlittrell avatar

    it's an very bad news all fans americans that was think to see the boys

  10. DaniDazzlesYou avatar

    Justin actually tweeted yesterday that it has nothing to do with how many people purchased VIP. In response to the rumor about the SC being cancelled due to only one person buying it Justin said "haha that's not the reason... Even if it was just 1 person the guys would still do it"