1. x Julie x avatar

    Guys it's says 'European Promo', USA isn't in Europe. You'll get your chance next year :)
    I'm pretty sure there must be more European to be annonced, well 'i hope'.....? Surely they wouldn't just stick to Germany?

  2. Idoia avatar

    U forgot the spanish dates: set 9th El Hormiguero & Internight in Madrid

  3. Chryssa_NC avatar

    I'm SO jealous.... for once again..!!!!! :/:/

  4. MoReNa avatar

    so sad they won't come in italy =(

  5. bsbfanatic avatar

    still waiting for the swedish date:)

  6. heymsdj avatar

    u better not be in sweden right now.. before germany..

  7. frack_inma avatar

    they are coming to spain on the 9th... to EL HORMIGUEROOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

  8. tuchymar avatar

    That's great, but... what about the Spanish promo?

    Waiting for more details...

  9. Malin avatar

    What about Sweden, gaah I want to know when they are coming here, and what they will do!

  10. cha-izzle-rok avatar

    What about the uk? we like the european music hub! come ooonnnnnnn!