1. gaby_argentina avatar

    what a great news x all you german fans!


  2. la_karen avatar

    si que vengan pal 18 xD

  3. la_karen avatar

    cool!!! but i want promo in south america plz!!!

  4. Teresafanbsb avatar

    I want a promotion in South America, come to our Fiestas Patrias Chile Sep 18, to enjoy Empanadas, Anticuchos, Asado, Rica Chicha and Cola de Mono.

  5. nELIckSA avatar

    I want promo in Mexico and South America too.... please
    thanks Matt

  6. Jami2523 avatar

    I can't wait to hear about the US promo dates!!!

  7. Franca Sparaco avatar

    where are the canadian promo dates

  8. erikalynnexrok avatar

    Exciting!! i hope they tweet their visits! lol

  9. DunkaRoo avatar

    coooool! have fun gals

  10. sweetgirl avatar

    Matt, Spain is missing on that list and there are a couple of things confirmed!! Or is there any positive surprise? ;)