1. Maríaepetit avatar

    sooo sexy men!!!



  3. Lena B avatar

    I'm there! :) Viva Wito!

  4. Mislene avatar

    Congratulations Howie!!! You really deserves it!! You're very special for me! I love U so much... I see you in the Cruise.. Kisses and more kisses. I'm so happy with your success.

  5. Natalia Martínez avatar

    100 kisses from Uruguay...

  6. Natalia Martínez avatar

    I love the new song ... howie 100 kisses from Uruguay

  7. Nory D avatar

    ahi estoy Howie, para apoyarte siempre!!!!! eres un gran artista baby!!!

  8. Florecitta avatar

    Te amamos Howie!

  9. SD2007 avatar

    Yay for Howie! I do wish he used another company besides Ground Ctrl though. I'm not too happy with their fan club management.

  10. Gaby Sanz avatar

    me encantó la pagina de Howie, felicidades a el
    congratulations Howie, the site is beautiful !