1. BASTRID(nuga602) avatar

    me encanta la pagina de howie ;)

  2. tcblinzi avatar

    Yay for Howie!!

  3. jaamodei avatar

    SO excited to finally have this happening for our D!! I'm very proud and happy that his time to shine has come, and as always, my love and support is with him 100%. Go Howie!

  4. tatibsb22 avatar

    wow very nice !
    can't wait !!!

  5. Mary Unique avatar

    my username on the site is myheartstayswithhowie

    add me :)

  6. **Yoli** avatar

    I love Howie D!!! very nice site!! can't wait your solo record ;)

  7. backstreetkids19 avatar

    BSB!! AHH love you guys!:)

  8. xxSammyjoxxMcleanxx avatar

    Woooohooooooooooo! LOVEE YA SWEEEETTT D! Cannott wait 2 hear itt!

    Im noww am remembering wen ya came 2 da UK @ O2ARENA Ya performed 'She's Like the Sun' ! Loveddd it! :)))) miss ya loadzz ere hehe

    SammyJo xxxx

  9. Shawn avatar

    Nice ! Can't wait to hear the music

  10. Iry avatar

    The site is beautiful! congratulations