1. crisvero avatar

    I'll be watching it too!

  2. Sandra avatar

    My daughter and I screamed when we heard Tom make the annoucement Tuesday night. I bet a BSB song is one of the 'Guilty Pleasures' songs.

  3. Franca Sparaco avatar

    Looking forward to the performance, love ya BSB!

  4. Noe_Carter avatar

    We will be watching ! :)

  5. Renata Brazil avatar

    OMG!!!! Can't wait! Good luck boys! KICK ASS!

  6. BNHAalltheway avatar

    Can't wait to see You guys on DWTS. This will be the best
    part of the show.

  7. FAYEluvsBSB avatar

    DVR set!!!!

    I wish this was like FB so I could click "Like". LOL

  8. Eva avatar

    Hopefully I can watch it Online :) Normally I don´t watch something like this... but Hey it´s BSB so Of course I´ll Watch ;)

  9. MusicGirl avatar

    I pretty much always watch DWTS , but THIS time it will be with a huge grin on my face because The Boys are going to be on it. Can't wait for the audience to be blown away by them, just as we fans have been blown away by them for the past 18 years, can't wait to see them on TV again :- ) KTBSPA

  10. Jessica avatar

    Cannot wait!!! Definately will be watching, just to see my boys!!