1. Kells avatar

    ...I would normally never, ever watch Dancing with the Stars. But for the Boys? Yeah, I'll watch it. :)

  2. Sarah1124 avatar

    This will be the first time I've seen DWTS. I can't wait to see you guys perform.

  3. ksk avatar

    Fabulous!!!!!! This is going to be great, All this exposure is terrific. Keep it coming.
    Getting so excited about the Tour!!!

  4. BackstreetChick1984 avatar

    Already set my DVR :-) Can't wait

  5. Guitargurl avatar

    Yay! My sis texted me this news last night. So exciting!

  6. Gabby Seven avatar

    wow! i can't wait to see you guys! love ya

  7. Roxanne avatar


  8. Frack's_Shorty avatar

    I cannot wait to see you guys perform!!

  9. dreamer426 avatar

    i will be watching it! Man, this will be a great birthday present!

  10. Tanya avatar

    I will definetely be watching this one! Thank god for tivo just in case.......