1. FAYEluvsBSB avatar

    Looking forward to the next 18 more years to come:)

  2. Diana avatar

    Happy anniversary!!! May more years come!! we already listen to ur songs all day long, but today is special so... LOL... we are working on making #BSB18Anniversary a trend topic on twitter... but it's not working, not sure why if my timeline is filled with tags of #BSB18Anniversary... anyway.... we love u and would love to see u perform and keeping ur fans happy not only 18 more years... just one favor, don't let 18 more years pass before u come back to Ecuador... :D

  3. Lauraa avatar

    done, done & done since a long time. LOVE YOU!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY

  4. Dolphingrl402 avatar

    Happy 18th Anniversary BSB! I have been a fan since 1997 and I love you guys very much still to this day! Your songs and lyrics have truly helped me through a lot in my life. Thank you for your beautiful music and amazing personalities! You guys are truly one of a kind and no matter what, I will always support you! Happy 18th Anniversary again BSB! Keep those years of great music coming!

  5. BSB4evr712 avatar

    Wow that's an old picture! I believe it's from when they were on SNL.

  6. Linda avatar

    Happy Anniversary guys. It does not feel like it have been that long. I have loved you since the beginning. Can't wait to see you in June.

  7. Jessie aka BriansSexMonkey avatar

    Woohoo!!! Congrats Boys, here's to another 18yrs :) Love you!!!

    BSB Fan for life!

  8. Eloisa Murillo avatar

    Happy Anniversary guys!!! It's amazing 18 years already!! Thank you so much for these wonderful 18 years filled of great moments, excelent music, a lot of laughs and smiles, amazing stories... I can't wait for the next 18... THANK YOU FOR BEING A VERY IMPORTANT PART OF MY LIFE, THANK YOU FOR SAVING MY LIFE, THANK YOU FOR MAKING MY LIFE BETTER....I LOVE YOU GUYS, YOU ARE THE BEST =)

    Kisses & hugs from Monterrey, Mexico =D

  9. aLe  d[-_-]b avatar

    ThE @backstreetboys 18Th AnNiVeRsArY 2DaY!! CoNgRaTs 2 ThE BeSt BaNd in Da wHoLe WoRLd ThaNx 4 aLL, KtBsPa!! & We've GoT It GoiN' On 4 YeArS & We'r LaRgEr ThaN LiFe!!!!!

  10. Roxy Borrero avatar

    Happy Anniversary from Venezuela, love you!!!!!