1. Connie avatar

    Happy 18th anniversary guys! Keep it up, continue to inspire us with your songs!:)

  2. Adriana Carter avatar

    "I am a Backstreet Boys fan. Supporting everytime Backstreet’s Back.

    And all the way into the Millennium. Even when things went Black&Blue.

    And I saw them close this Chapter One. I knew they were Never Gone.

    Cause they are Unbreakable. So This Is Us, the backstreet fans". KTBSPA

    Thank you for being part of my life!! Happy Anniversary Backstreet Boys and to all BSB fans around the world! love uu..kisses from Brazil

  3. YUKA avatar

    Happy 18th Anniversary!XD

    Love and support you always

    Thank you for much love for 18years

  4. jeshiblah avatar

    oh boys....i love you and all, but seriously, YOU'RE MAKING ME FEEL OLD!!!! hahahah

    can't wait for the next 18years (and many more) of bsb :D

  5. Iry avatar

    18 years to love!!!!

  6. roblisi avatar

    18 years! WOW! I remember the summer of 97 when I was only 13 years old and hearing "Quit Playing Games" on Z100 while working for my Uncle at his printing shop with my cousin. It would play so many times on the radio every day and I never got tired of it. Then the album came out and I'd play it over and over again with my younger brother while playing video games with him. Now I'm 25 and I have over 1000 songs including remixes, live versions, all the boys solo material, all on my ipod that I play all day in my car, at work, and at the gym. I'm a proud, male fan, who loves to sing Backstreet music with his future girl in mind. Thank you Backstreet Boys for 18 years of inspiration and the best music I've ever heard and sang along to. Here's to another 18 years!

  7. Kells avatar

    I don't remember what I had for breakfast, but I can still remember clearly the first time I heard 'Quit Playing Games' on the radio. It's been an incredible ride, and it's hard for me to believe it's been THIS MANY years. Thank you so much for almost two decades of music and joy.

  8. MusicGirl avatar

    "I'll never break your heart " was the 1st BSB song I heard , I was captured by their voices & I've been captured ever since . Congratulations on turning 18 today BSB ,although at age 18 you are legally "Adults" today ....you will always be "Our Boys" :- )

  9. Andrew avatar

    I remember when I first heard "Quit Playing Games With My Heart" played on my local radio station in Portland, Maine in 1997. I either missed or the DJ didn't say who the band was/who the artists were, and I was so intrigued with this new sound that I had just heard, that for only the second time in my life I called the radio station because I just had to find out who it was. They're the Backstreet Boys I was told, and I've been a loyal fan ever since that day. I also remember it seemed like an eternity waiting for your first CD/album to be released after "Quit Playing..." was released as your first US single. Congratulations AJ, Brian, Howie and Nick (and Kevin of course) on a phenomenal career so far and your first 18 years of sharing your fabulous music with the entire planet...very much looking forward to the next 18! Happy Anniversary guys!

  10. Melody Siemens avatar

    that is unbelievable, can't believe it's been that long, congratulations :)
    I love you all !
    Mel xo