1. melissawilliams avatar

    Whew! That was craaazzzzy, lol. I'm on Deck 5, inside room, Cabin M100. I don't care...we were never in the room anyhoo!!! I am just so glad to have it booked!!!! Woo hoo!!! See all of you awesome fans there! :)

  2. isabella avatar

    ha ha ha.. im still broke as well!! Its SOO much money!!! but its all worth it;-) cant wait!!

  3. NADY NAY avatar

    Hey !!! Compre Tambien !!! Alla nos vemos vicky !! :-)

  4. isabella avatar

    yes I am!!! And of cause its gonna be better than the last one even though the last one was CRAAAAAZY!!!!! what is your cabin number?

  5. Flavia Hadarah avatar

    I'm still broken because last cruise...lol... So I've got a Inside cabin, deck 5, M240.
    But I'm happy and excited!

  6. Flavia Hadarah avatar


    Are u going too??
    This cruise will be better than the last one...

    Hope to see you again...lol

  7. isabella avatar

    @Karhy - I got a suite OB V30.. Who is gonna be my neighbor??

  8. isabella avatar

    Yay!!! looking forward to see you again Flavia!!!

  9. Firith Ariel avatar

    Does anyone know if we'll get a un/password for the sale on wednesday or we'll have to use our OFC account ones???

  10. Mai avatar

    Congratulations u that r going... ;)