1. sofdlovesbsb avatar

    Yay Bring on Monday Booking day. Good Luck to everyone trying for a Cabin Monday Wednesday and Friday. :)

  2. Meghan avatar

    Still trying to pay off the last years cruise..will def be on the one next year!!

  3. Clau Carter avatar

    Good luck everyone who's going !!! Have lots of fun !!! :)

  4. Lavenderforluck avatar

    Would love to go, but if I start saving now, I can save up for the 2012 cruise!

  5. BSBGirl75 avatar

    Id love to go but Im not sure I can this year, I do hope to go on a BSB Cruise one day soon.

  6. kimasabe ~ L.A. West :) avatar

    i keep hoping a Money Tree starts growing in my condo complex backyard.

  7. NKOTBSBFan86 avatar

    Didnt get to go last year, cant go this year but will definitely be there in 2012!!!!!

  8. BizzleRok23 avatar

    I didn't get to go last year but I want to make it this year.

  9. FAYEluvsBSB avatar

    Can't make it this year but most def will be there in 2012!!!!!!

  10. Monica avatar

    I hope someday be on the boat U_U