1. pandagrl27 avatar

    This melted my heart once again! The boys are just incredible and they have such a big heart! We all made it possible for the boys to see Jessie's video! <3

  2. Audrey avatar

    I am SO happy Jessie got to meet the boys!!! Her reaction and smile are priceless! Her sister really is an amazing sister to make everything she can to realize Jessie dreams! And its beautiful to see how much the boys really care about all their fans - it makes them even more Larger Than Life!!! I am SO proud to be one of their fans and I Love love love love love them so much!

  3. Patty Serrano avatar

    This is so adorable! I love to see the fans meet the boys for the first time, Yvette you are such a sweet girl and makes my heart happy knowing you finally got your dream come true!!!

  4. KarahLeigh avatar

    This was just adorable and this is why I love these boys so much. They honestly do care for their fans. LOVE LOVE LOVE.