1. Kara Rush avatar

    Well done on the video!!!

  2. AmyC avatar

    Thank you so very much for putting together this beautiful video and thank you again for letting me be a part of it!

  3. Yohena98 avatar

    Beautiful! I can't believe we are still here, 24 years later. BSB thank you for all you have brought into our lives: joy, happiness, tears! I love you guys so much, I will always be a backstreet girl, even when I'm old and grey. PS. I can't wait to give each one of you a big hug on 4/26 ?? KTBSPA always!

  4. Djéssica avatar

    It was so beautiful!!! I can't believe I wasn't able to participate! =(
    Cheers to the Backstreet!!!! ? ? ?

  5. KCluvNC avatar

    Happy 24th Anniversary. I love you all. I would like to say thank you for being you, bring out wicked music, giving me the opportunity to travel (New York, Barcelona, France, Italy and where I live different parts of the UK) and Miami 2018 hopefully. Making my life a bit more manageable as lost both parent within six month of each other and my bro having mental health issues life has been hard sometimes. But you give me things to look forward too. Here is to another 24 years can not wait for new music and new adventures.

  6. _SouffleGirl avatar

    Happy 24th Anniversary Boys!
    Thank you for being there through thick and thin, through good and bad moments with your music.
    Here is to other 24 years so I'll maybe have the chance to thank you in person.

  7. Lisa avatar

    Great job Karah! So sorry I wasn't able to get mine in on time, but this video speaks for us all. Happy 24th guys! Words can't express how much you mean to me & how thankful I am. Love you!!! XOXOXO

  8. BrainHasMyHeart avatar

    Omg this video is great. I knew I should of gaven something to put on here. Oh well love you kevin, brian, aj, nick and howie. Here's to another 24 or more #Bsb24 #BsbPride

  9. Debra G avatar

    Happy 24 anniversary thanks for all the awesome memories plus all the friends I've made , and the new ones I'll make in Vegas cause of you !!! So Kevin AJ nick Brian howie RAISING My glass "CHEERS" see ya soon !! Ktbsbpa

  10. Lacy avatar

    Happy 24 boys! Thank you for the music, memories, and the friendships that we (the fans) have made through the years!