1. Audrey avatar

    Do we know who won the anniversary bundle??? ????

  2. Anita Castillo avatar

    Yo quiero una... maldita pobreza

  3. BrainHasMyHeart avatar

    Love the shirt I bought mine earlier today. Cannot wait to get it in the mail

  4. *BSB lover always & forever!* avatar

    Love it!! Your guys name should be bigger on the shirt. I'll bring this up to my mom on helping me get it... Anything to add more to my bsb collection! Lol

  5. BrainHasMyHeart avatar

    I can't wait to buy. Wait I have money I can do it now. Love me some Bsb

  6. Ms_canada22 avatar

    Hi I'm trying to buy a T-shirt but it keeps asking me to join the Fan Club of which I am already a member, what am I doing wrong?

  7. Patty Serrano avatar

    Yes!!!!!!! Gotta get me one!

  8. Karen Miska avatar

    "Once you receive your shirt, take a photo of yourself wearing it and tag it #BSB24 - one lucky winner will be chosen to win a BSB anniversary bundle!"

    Share on twitter, facebook, instagram to win...