1. jenneefir avatar

    Hello Fans!!!... I would greatly appreciate it if someone can answer my question before I purchase a GA ticket.

    I know that BSB VIP is roped off from BSB GA, but are we roped off from the rest of the night club guests? (Like if my brother just pays for male general admission on Chateau's website?)

    Thanks for your help!

  2. Courtney7138 avatar

    Y'all I need your help! So I went to the show on March18th and did the meet and greet. I'm thinking of going back in June, but can't decide if I should do Ultimate for the afterparty or just do the meet and greet again. Now as much as I love the boys, I don't think it was worth $500 to meet them when I spent majority of the time waiting in the lounge(on top of that I was the last group called) and literally spent no more than 3 minutes with them, being hurried along from their security/photographer. It was great to meet them for the first time, but I was pretty disappointed. At $500 each, what do y'all think would be worth the money?

  3. Emma Hill avatar

    I'm beyond upset that july1st is already sold out. I wish you would do a special night since it's the last night and have everyone in VIP instead of barricade the GA and VIP. All I wanted to do was save up money for two VIP tickets and now I can't even look forward to doing so ????Heartbroken over here!! Just wanted to give one of my best friends the time of her life meeting you and going to the concert and partying it up at the after party since she's getting divorce and she has been having a rough year ????

  4. Steffi Scott avatar

    7/1 was gone within the first minute. I heard some people got thrown out during checkout, even though its supposed to save your cart for 8 mins. Luckily I got mine, but this is insane! and $80 fee is quite the ripoff if you ask me....

  5. VeronicaFrack avatar

    and I left he concert a couple songs early to get the barricade lol I saw the whole show the next night so

  6. VeronicaFrack avatar

    don't quote me on it but when I was there last weekend, the GA was a madhouse. The guys got on the mics for literally 5mins. then stayed and mingled in the VIP area taking selfies etc for the rest of the night. Kevin got back on the mic an hour later. If you want any chance of a selfie I'd cough up the money for the VIP lol unless u get lucky enough to run into them on the street. I was right on the barricade Howie came over but not Nick or Kevin which I understand its too many ppl I think.