1. BSBLove17 avatar

    I really hope guys do an After Party for the last show on July 1st. That's the show I'm going to. I can't wait to see the show. I know it's going to be a great show. Hey it's Las Vegas. It has to be.

  2. Amanda Bortoletto avatar

    what is the Backstreet Boys Party section?
    I'm afraid of buiyng the general admission one and don't get the chance to see them..

  3. Alma3stars avatar

    Are they gonna be all around the club or only at one specific area that only the ultimate package can go in????

  4. Emma Hill avatar

    My concert is July 1st. Will you guys have tickets for the after party for that show in June? I hope!! Bc then I can save up money.. when buying a ticket to the after party.. can you buy two with the same credit card?? Cause I will be buying one for me and one for
    My friend also.. just checking on how to do it cause I never have done an after party.. but I'm super super excited:) and when it says "selected band member" does that mean you pick the member or do we lol


    Alyssa! I'm going March 3rd! I'm going to opening night but will still be in town till Saturday. Still confused though about the Ultimate? Is that a whole table for 5 people?

  6. claredibo avatar

    So... what happens at an after party? I've never done one.

  7. ivo avatar


  8. Nani808 avatar

    Can you not take a picture with them if you just got a general admission?

  9. MPeezy avatar

    What about June and July dates?! I hope there will be some then :)

  10. Nicky Toronto avatar

    Oh how so exciting for the fans that wanted to attend an after party.
    If i go it will be the general admission... good good times ahead