1. Marina xoxo avatar

    Kristen808, my meet & greet is for March 4th too!

  2. AJsQueenBee avatar

    Make sure you only buy on the page for the correct date! Would hate to get a M&G for the wrong day!

  3. AJsQueenBee avatar

    I will be there March 15 :)!!!!

  4. Scrmngrl17 avatar

    Here is the page to buy:

  5. Kristen808 avatar

    I will be there March 4th! Yay. This Hawaii girl is excited

  6. Jaque_aloha avatar

    How do we buy it???? I'm a member and can't figure it out

  7. La Chik Rocio avatar

    I'm soooo haaaappy!!!! Two Chilean girls are going to be there on June 14th. See you at the M&G!!!!

  8. pilsbury4 avatar

    Woohoo! Bought and going to spend my birthday with you guys! Yay!!!! See you in March!

  9. Msjazzy143 avatar

    Tomorrow you can buy your M&G ticket if youre not a paid fan club member @chlolee14

  10. Chlolee14 avatar

    Can you get m&g without being a fan club member?