1. Msjazzy143 avatar

    Tomorrow you can buy your M&G ticket if youre not a paid fan club member @chlolee14

  2. Chlolee14 avatar

    Can you get m&g without being a fan club member?

  3. Angelica S avatar

    I got my M&G!!! BUTTTT since my cousin who lives in the States lent me her credit card to buy it, I wrote her name on the Will Call Name and she is not going to the concert!!! Just for trying to get an M&G I did not even read what does that meant!! What can I do? Helppppp!!!!! :(

  4. Marina xoxo avatar

    GOT MINE. See you guys on 03/04! Woo hoo!!!! <3

  5. Debra G avatar

    EEEKKKK !!!! Guys did you hear me SCREAM? Well guess what hope your ready for HUGE HUGS cause this bsb girl from Montreal is coming to.vegas July 1
    My 1st M&G EEEEEKKKKKK can't wait July please hurry !!! Last time I met you at a M&G was NYC 97 Autograph session so I'll shall quote one of your song
    " I've been waiting so long just can't hold it back no more !"

  6. Courtney7138 avatar

    I got mine! March18th! I can't believe it! My first show and meet and greet EVER! I was really hesitant about getting the meet and greet because I personally think thats a lot of money to spend, but I'm from Hawaii and not many artists/bands come out here to do shows. So I figured, what the hell, go big or home! I mean its vegas right!?

  7. Ceci Palma avatar

    GOT MY M&G FINNALY! 06/28/2016!

  8. Debbie avatar

    We will be there on Fri June 16th. Our LAST night in Vegas! Going out with a bang!

  9. Monique sapien avatar

    Omgg I jus got me n my daughter M&G's,gonna celebrate her 15th Bday BSB Style!!

  10. Krazy4bsb avatar

    And is everyone that's going to more than one concert. Are you only doing ONE meet and greet? Send me a private message please....