1. MoniqueBSBfan4life avatar

    If you're still looking at your screen waiting for it to light up or something just press VIP

  2. Wstbrk01 avatar

    WOO HOOOOOOOO!!! Got them! For Christmas I am getting the best mom award!

  3. Bsbforeverfan avatar

    Where are the meet and greets? It's 10:04

  4. Rachel Y avatar

    Holy crap. After nearly 20 years of loyal servitude... I am going to meet the Backstreet Boys. I think I'm going to faint.

  5. Alma3stars avatar

    It's 10:01am still don't see anything

  6. OhsnapitsLi avatar

    Y'all, I'm sitting in a meeting with my account up ready and waiting to buy my M+G! :)

  7. Ole4 avatar

    I forgot to add:
    -Security does rush but it's their job (otherwise the concert would never start on time)

  8. MLMS avatar

    I am assuming that we can buy as many VIP/M&G per tickets that we purchased, it won't limit us to just one or two if we bought more than that?

  9. Ole4 avatar

    For those that never done M&G before here is a quick low down of it:
    -approx 30 sec with the boys
    -a pic right after you meet the boys
    -you can hug them if Fans aren't crazy, then it gets taken away
    -the boys are super sweet to you

    **If you've never met them before AND have the money to do so (and it's your dream), I say go for it. $500 isn't a lot compared to other artists at vegas ($1500) They Boys do appreciate you. Good luck to all of you buying and I hope you get what you want! :) Bless you all!

  10. Debra G avatar

    Guys I'm so praying that I get a VIP for July 1 the wait is driving me crazy ,