1. Klaudine avatar

    DOES escorted entry mean early entry?

  2. Julianna avatar

    I cannot wait! So excited for the additional items too. although I thought the price was way reasonable for Vegas without all the extras. Thanks team!!

  3. Olga25 avatar

    Feel the same way J_zo last time i paid around $700 that included ticket and meet and greet. This time i have to think about flight hotel and meals :(

  4. Marina xoxo avatar

    crazyforBSB1999, what are you talking about? Meet & greets have NOT gone on sale yet. They go on sale to fan club members this Friday October 28 at 10AM.

  5. Marina xoxo avatar

    FOR THOSE OF YOU ASKING ABOUT ESCORTED ENTRY: It means that those of us doing a meet & greet meet up outside the theater at a designated time (usually a couple hours before show time) and a security guy escorts all of us backstage to do the meet & greet. After that, you're on your own. No, you do not get a personal escort to show you to your exact seat and unfortunately, it's not one of the Backstreet Boys himself! :(

  6. Krazy4bsb avatar

    So bummed - I honestly didn't even see my email about the Meet and Greets until late this afternoon - but I see that sooooooo many people have already purchased their meet and greets for all the different shows, not just April. I'm having so much anxiety about all of this. I'm already traveling to Vegas alone - trying to find the funds to pay for everything since I've been a fan for 20+ years - and then find out Meet and Greets went up and on sale, and people go them and now they are gone again. And the worst part - I work on Friday - in a Dr.'s office and have patients in front of me at ALL TIMES so there is no possible way for me to sneak away to buy my tickets - I really really REALLY need a fellow BSB fan to help me out - I have to find a way to get a Meet and Greet - that is... if there are any left for the dates I'm going. If the M&G were on sale for a good several minutes - that gave scalpers who are BSB fan club members a chance to grab them up - because we all know that they ALSO buy fake fan club memberships, so they can get in on the deals and early access too - and we all know that they snatch up concert tickets in a matter of minutes all the time which is why we are all left out standing in the cold. I wish there way for them to let each fan club member at least have just ONE Meet and Greet - guaranteed for us ya know? So, how did all of you find the Meet and Greets were on sale today? I'm just curious. I can't get online or on my phone when I'm at work, so I think I'm out of luck and I'm literally having anxiety about it - HA! I know, how STUPID I am, right???

  7. Marina xoxo avatar

    BkstFanatic96, you can have ANY seats to purchase a meet & greet. You just have to have a ticket to the show date you are buying the meet & greet for, but it doesn't matter where you sit! ;)

  8. Marina xoxo avatar

    So excited for this! See you guys on March 4th!!!! Can't wait to hug you all again!!! <3 (Keep an eye out for me on March 3rd in GA LEFT too, by the way).

    P.S. By "escorted entry into the theater" you mean by one of the Backstreet Boys with hugs, kisses, and a selfie... RIGHT?! Ha, a girl can dream. ;)

    XOXO Marina

  9. BkstFanatic96 avatar

    Pretty bummed there aren't more options for M&G...like a lower priced package with less perks. :(

    On another note, can someone clarify if you have to have VIP seats to get a M&G? I guess I have what are called "Platinum Seats"...? If I can somehow find the funds, aka sell a kidney,to purchase a M&G does it matter if I don't have "VIP Seats" ?

    And before anyone explodes on the kidney comment, I'm being sarcastic ;)

  10. Jewgirl avatar

    OMG!!! I can't wait!!! I have been DYING to see the Backstreet Boys for as long as I can remember!! I would just die if I could do the meet and greet!