1. Joshua Nadel avatar

    Where is the link for the Meet and Greet?

  2. KDay22 avatar

    Yeah I agree - I wanted to go a M&G so bad...but maybe it would be better money wise if I just prayed for another tour and did it then? Especially if in the past they have included soundcheck for a lot less than 500. yikes!

  3. PandaBear avatar

    And, now the link brings me to ticketmaster ?!

  4. PandaBear avatar

    I was just on the site, the M and G in my cart, but then it told me there was an error.

  5. Whitney avatar

    $500?? Since when did they get so expensive? I know a lot of people are giving up a lot to even get to afford the show in the first place, but this is crazy. I have the money and I still refuse to pay that much. It seems not so fair. We shouldnt have to break the damn bank. Ill wait until the next tour when its cheaper and includes a soundcheck/Q&A

  6. Sunny723 avatar

    Whoa!!!!! That's the price??????

  7. shaughbsbfan avatar

    500 DOLLARS!?!? YIKES! what makes this M&G so special that it costs that much?

  8. Diana Nguyen avatar

    Hi guys,
    For the ones that been to a meet and greet before, how long is it?

  9. OhsnapitsLi avatar

    $500?!?!? Are you kidding me? They make us wait this long to tell us these things are that expensive?! Wow, this is super disappointing, I was hoping for once I'd finally be able to meet the boys.

  10. callalilly1 avatar

    I just chatted with Katie in Customer Support. There is just the one chance for Meet & Greet and that's in the $500 VIP Upgrade. There won't be any other tiers of M&Gs like they usually have. That's disappointing. It's already costing me a lot to go to Vegas and see them. I would have paid $175-$200 like they usually are, but $500 is too much.