1. Melissa avatar

    never mind it didn't work still and I don't know how to delete comments so whatevs.

  2. Melissa avatar

    here's mine for some reason it wouldn't let me include it with my comment.. my computer hates me..

  3. Melissa avatar

    I've been a fan since about 1997, I was 10 years old at that time. My love for BSB began at a friends house when I saw them plastered on her walls and heard "as long as you love me" for the first time. In 2002 my mom had passed a way and their music really helped me through the grieving process. In 2009 my husband was deployed and their music helped get me through that. In 2010 My dad passed away and yet again they were there for me through their music. Our now 5 yr old son was diagnosed with cancer at 9 months old. For some reason I had this urge to reach out to Brian so I did and to my surprise he responded, a couple months later I wrote him a letter updating him on my son and requested a signed photo for my son because their music was there for us and my son during his cancer treatments. Their voices would soothe him to sleep and he would sleep through treatment. My son is in remission now and doing fantastic although he still and always will have to deal with side affects of chemo, and the loss of his sight due to the cancer. I got this Tattoo because I wanted something a little more permanent and this tattoo means something to me. For me it means I'll always have them to look to for hope and comfort as well as long time friends that I wouldn't have met if it weren't for them. I know its just BSB and 5 music notes but to me its a lot more than that.

  4. ResaD avatar

    I have 3 tattoos. One is lyrics that I have had in my head since the first time I heard the song. They mean so much more to me than just what those words are. It goes way deeper than that. "Your wordsite are Symphony, music that sings to me." Love it. It's also on the outside of my wrist.
    I have the words "Never Gone" on my other wrist withave the initial Q and C. I think we all know why the Q, but theven C is for my grandma's name.
    I also have a 69 with the words Latin Lover on it for none other than HowieD. My next tattoo will be a lyric from All I have To Give, seeing as that is the song that saved me life, on the inside of my wrist where I was going to commit sucide.
    I even have a tattoo planned for when my mom passes. I want the wordetails "we will meet again". It's from Fly To heaven that both Howie and his sister sing.

  5. SkulleerozChick avatar

    I've been a huge fan since '99 and I will forever be greatful to the boys for coming into my life. I wasn't loved much as a child but when i got older and could really understand what they were staying, the boys made me feel that love was possible. I got my tattoo on my 24th birthday! My tattoo is on my forearm, it says, "Backstreet Boys (the day I met them) 8/22/13 and the permanent stain heart. ?????????

    Keep the Backstreet Pride Alive!

  6. Nicky Toronto avatar

    Love reading everyone's BSB tattoo stories !

    I want another but i still have to think of what, where and when :)
    Thanks for adding me luv


  7. Shanna4 avatar

    I have the lyrics to Show'em What You're Made Of tattooed on my arm. I absolutely love this song and the inspiration it gives! I got it to represent my 2 amazing little boys and of course the Backstreet Boys! How do I post a pic?

  8. Mandy Cohn avatar

    Yayyy my tat made it on here! Mine doesn't have a story attached it's the bsb written in lower case with the blue around it and the music note towards the bottom of the page.
    I've been a huge fan since '97 and had been contemplating getting the tattoo for a while. Finally in July of 2013 before "In A World Like This" was released I decided to just do it! They mean so much to me so why not make it a "permanent stain" on my body? :)

  9. Winnie79 avatar

    I dont know how to post my photo, but I got " Larger than life" written on my arm

  10. sweety dorough avatar

    I got 8 BSB tattoos,shape of my heart wrote by AJ;BSB and 3 music notes,back to me (Howie solo album)I've got you wrote by Howie,wings of Hope wrote by Howie,have it all wrote by AJ;nick music note,and one infinite with 6 words wrote by the boys and my mom