1. Michael avatar

    The only things mentioned are a coktail party and the beach party... I know it is early... HA

  2. Michael avatar

    I wonder if they are going to do a concert... Such a short trip...

  3. kaotic avatar

    Wish I could come on the cruise :(

  4. Samantha avatar

    Missed the last cause i had nobody to go with, but this year its going to be my graduation present to myself! lol

  5. Juliana Andrade avatar

    What a great new!!!! i love it!!

  6. *.* MaR *.* avatar

    jajajjajaja it´s amazing !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    im sososososo HAPPY !!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Blue Eyed Caroline avatar

    Oh man, really! :( I don't see how I could swing the cost for myself and mom with the cost of nursing school looming over my head! :(

  8. Ju Lorenzoni avatar

    I'm freaking out!

  9. howieluvsmel avatar

    Watch out! A cruise I can actually do according to the schedule!!

  10. Carol Haddad avatar

    WOOHOOO!! Cant wait!!! Wish this cruise have one more day! hahahaha...or 2....3....