1. NicoleRN avatar

    OMG!!! Thank God I am off Friday......Sooooooooooooooooooooo need to get an Ottawa VIP.......woo hoo!

  2. Jacqueline avatar

    is this VIP only BSB or will the NKOTB be there too ?

  3. xxSammyjoxxMcleanxx avatar

    wowwww! hope ya all hav funnnn! ;)))) xxxx

    SammyJo xxx

  4. MelMuff avatar

    Just to be sure, does the VIPs for Ottawa go on sale 2:30 EST? I will try to scrape some money and make a payment tomorrow. Hopefully I will have enough by Friday. And it doesn't help that my comp died tonight. There's an extra thing I didn't need to spend money on right now. I don't know how long I can borrow this laptop until it's fixed.

  5. MelMuff avatar

    About time! But now I waited and waited keeping room on my credit card. Got tired of waiting and splurged over the weekend and now I do not have enough room on my credit card anymore. *cries* Why couldn't this gone on sale last week?

  6. léalove avatar


  7. sofdlovesbsb avatar

    Always when I am working.lol Thanks for letting us know Matt

  8. Sabrina CarterKnight avatar

    Hope they gonna have VIPS left for ottawa... I have to wait my taxes return (in april)!

  9. TorontonianFanAKAjae avatar

    i'll be attempting to buy a VIP but my friend and I were planning on going out Friday... I guess we either have to be back before it goes on sale or leave after I've gotten the VIP lol

  10. Chryssa_NC avatar

    Oh! And i can't wait for the reviews about nkotBSB ViPs!!!! :)