1. mawie avatar

    finally an album version of don't turn off the lights!!!

  2. brendisofi avatar

    @sarah I live in the US and it is still not working

  3. sarah avatar

    I cant see the NKOTBSB album to pre order on the link provided and think you may have to live in the USA to pre order to :(

  4. brendisofi avatar

    i want to pre-order, but I am trying to search the sony page and i cant find it...im going crazy here

  5. Slugby avatar

    4 hours and change til maintenance is finished. they should've waited to post this...

  6. Casie avatar

    can't do it if you live IN the US either!

  7. Katya avatar

    plz no IWITH OR QPG !!!!

  8. Nadia avatar

    does the pre-order only apply to US ? that soo sucks :(

  9. Karina Latozefsky avatar

    Love uuu BSB!!!!! Come back with the show NKOTBSB to Venezuela!

  10. Norma Blanco avatar

    Its doesnt work!!!! I want to pick up my copy!