1. Norma Blanco avatar

    Its doesnt work!!!! I want to pick up my copy!

  2. Juliana avatar

    Wait up people, the link will be workin in about 5hours or so! =D

  3. Miss.Danny_Mansani avatar

    We would love to pre-order, but it's a shame it can't be done by those who live outside the US, really not fair, don't u think?

  4. Nadia avatar

    none of the sites r working :(

  5. tcblinzi avatar

    No doubt it will be 5 songs that we have heard 10,000 times before! Lets be inventive guys, pick your favourite songs - not just the ones you think are popular!

  6. FAYEluvsBSB avatar

    Yeah, not seeing anything:(

  7. Casie avatar

    it's not there! please give an update SOON :(

  8. ThatsWhatLiSaid avatar

    Trying to narrow down my 5 favourite BSB songs is actually impossible!!!

  9. shell avatar

    I'd love to preorder... but yeah, not on the link site... hope its not a digital album though... I only have mobile internet... says they do hard coppies too... I hope so =s

  10. Anik avatar

    I know! It ain't even there. :(