1. Natrya avatar

    Howie, like I said to you in the hotel in Belo Horizonte... I'll be in US in July for one of the NKOTBSB's show! Don't know where yet, but I'll be there, for sure!
    If you see any Brazilian Flag in any show from the middle of July to the end, guess what? It's going to be me, right!
    So please, wave to me, ok?
    Kisses and miss you alredy!
    With Love...

    Natrya - from Belo Horizonte - Brazil!

  2. Shawn avatar

    Glad he checked in. Good to hear from him cause it's been awhile

  3. vettechnikki avatar

    I think its great you guys blog, I wish you all did it more often.

  4. sofdlovesbsb avatar

    Great Blog,hope all of you guys blog more. I think it would be awesome. :)

  5. Nickely avatar


  6. Carol Haddad avatar

    I think Im goingo to NY with you @Natalia and @Mariana lol

  7. MARIANA @babsloka avatar

    Hey Howie!! I´ll be together with Natalia!
    We hope to see you guys in US.

    But come back soon to Brazil!! We love you and miss you already.........

    Mariana from Sao Paulo

  8. Natalia Villa avatar

    Howieeee.. I already miss u!!! Come back soon with the NKOTBSB tour..
    Brazilians love u. You are always welcome here in our country!!
    I'll be in NY for the NKOTBSB on July...i can make some CAPIRINHAS for you ok?
    Love u

  9. Natalia Villa avatar

    Howieeee.. I already miss u!!! Come back soon with the NKOTBSB tour..
    Brazilians love u. You are always welcome here in our country!!
    I'll be in NY for the NKOTBSB on July...i can make some CAPIRINHAS for you ok?
    Love u

  10. Natrya avatar

    Howito, you really love Havaianas, right?