1. MelMuff avatar

    Is it still possible to do this? I would love to join.

  2. Esther Taunton avatar

    Hey team,
    If this ship hasn't already sailed, I'd love to contribute. I'm a professional journalist and have put a few BSB web posts together lately (including one in the fan club blog section if anyone wants to check out my writing) but would love to do more. Living in New Zealand, I'd also love to give international fans some more representation - it's a whole different fandom experience.
    So, in summary... sign me up :)

  3. BiancaMarie avatar

    Hey guys! I'm not sure if this is looked at anymore but I would love to be the soldier of the month (obviously). I've been a fan for as long as I can remember. You guys have helped me through the worst times in my life. Without you I don't think I would be the person I am today. Your music has helped me through break ups, my grandmas death, losing pets, losing friends & moving across country at 15, to name a few. Your music has, and still does, mean so much to me. I feel like I can relate to a lot of your songs. In school I was made fun of a lot, and you guys got me through that. I've always had self-esteem issues. So bad sometimes that I feel completely worthless but when I listen to your songs they give me a confidence that I never knew was possible. You guys make me feel special. Your music makes me happy.

    I've had the chance to meet you guys a few times. Those few times will be something I will remember for the rest of my life. You always make me feel so special when I have the chance of meeting you.

    There are no words to explain how much love I have for the 5 of you. You will all hold a special spot in my heart. I love you forever.

    I would love to be chosen for this, but even if I'm not, at least I got to show you a small fraction of how much I care about you. <3


  4. BiancaMarie avatar

    I would love to do this! I've been a BSB fan for as long as I can remember! Please choose me! <3

  5. carrie graham avatar

    I would love to be able to do this! I have been trying to get my blog to take off for a while on my dashboard but so far no go! This would be an awesome opportunity!!!!!

  6. Denise avatar

    Hi. I would love to be a contributor! This would be a great way to continue to support BSB! Check out my blog :) http://bsbfandenise.blogspot.com/

  7. nicksloowithaview avatar

    I would love to help contribute from here in Australia. Just let me know. :)

  8. Kandiekid avatar

    Would love to write posts.

  9. Milla Rodrigues avatar

    Good afternoon . My name is Camila Rodrigues, and me and my friend Julianna Lima have a page on Facebook called BSB Cruise in Brazil, that consists in a campaign to try to bring the BSB cruise here to Brazil.
    At the sound check here in Brazil, Kevin said that if we want a cruise here, we have to work for it! So, we are doing this every day to show to the backstreet boys that we deserve it.
    Here, the link of our page on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bsbcruiseinbrazil, We also have a petition with more than 4,000 signatures, here the link: https://www.change.org/p/backstreet-boys-backstreet-boys-cruise-in-brazil
    The success of our page was so big and so amazing that we start to post the news, curiosities, what else about our boys.
    Everything that we know about them, we publish on the page, with frequency and speed, what was once a page about cruises, became now a reference among fans of backstreet boys.
    With the experience that we have, we can perfectly fit to be part of the team to help with whatever you need.
    We will be awaiting contact.Thanks

  10. charmin422 avatar

    So cool! I'd be interested :) Been a fan since I could remember...and now I still get chills listening to them.