1. Salena avatar

    Whoo hoo! It's shipped!! Hope it's here in time so I can watch it to celebrate the Boys anniversary ;)

  2. AmyC avatar

    @s__rod #backstreetboys Cruise DVD's have cometh! Packing and shipping these bad boys all day #groundctrl twitpic.com/4mibps

  3. Nadia avatar

    Anyone knows when the DVD is going to be ready???

  4. Amanda avatar

    Well looks like I am not booking a cabin for the cruise this year.. I had to beg my boyfriend to go and I wanted to show him last years before we booked it and since it was suppose to ship in February I figured I would have enough time. Guess I was wrong cause it is now April 15th, the cruise has been on sale for a week now, and still no DVD! What is going on?! This is horrible marketing and the Boys and their fans deserve wayyy better service then this!

  5. Ezriela avatar

    I have been charged, and I fully paid off this DVD purchase...yet, no DVD....It's APRIL. The least you can do is give us all a definitive date!

  6. CYNnkotbsb avatar

    we are april 9 and still no dvd , it's pathethic 5 months for have a dvd common

  7. Meghan avatar

    It is now the beginning of April, any one recieved the dvd yet? I have been charged but still no dvd

  8. Michael avatar

    This is pathetic... at least my wife won't get to see it before the sale of the next cruise so we won't be inticed to go again. What stupid marketing... Stupid stupid stupid... Unless of course it shows up in the next 4 days... then it would be genius.

  9. SabiKaos avatar

    aaahhh when will we get update?! :( I can't wait to get my copy!

  10. CYNnkotbsb avatar

    nothing ....