1. PEI VERN avatar

    Mmm I think Natasha is from the UK, not NZ... :S

    Anyway!!! Can't wait to see each boy's project unfolds!!! Dead7 will be cool and not to mention dwts!!!

  2. TrayNinja avatar

    I have watched the doc so many times now!! It always makes me cry

  3. Debra G avatar

    Guys I've Been a fan since the beginning seen ya live 13X I remember waiting 10 1/2 hrs in 97 outside virgin mega store NYC to meet you at a signing session !!! Met you guys in 2005 outside the OMIN hotel Montreal !!! Can't wait for the new album and AJ 'S new solo album
    Ktbsbpa lady d

  4. Scottman avatar

    I've been a big fan of your music since '97, and have seen you guys LIVE 6 times (between '98 and 2005) Your music and all of your albums are GREAT and my mom loves your music too!!!!!!! :)
    Fan forever,

  5. Tannia Carter avatar

    Gracias BACKSTREET BOYS por darme el mejor momento y día de mi vida.
    Está gira para mi, fue muy especial pues fue mi primer concierto con los 5 juntos, tuve la oportunidad de conocerlos en persona y subir al escenario con ustedes.
    Un sueño que tenia desde los 11 años y a mis 29 se cumplió.
    La mejor gira sin duda, y ahora esperar lo nuevo que ustedes tienen para sus fans.


  6. andreda22 avatar

    creo que el concierto que dieron en Chile, fue increíble, espero volver a verlos pronto

  7. H avatar

    nick and knight again please!|!|!|!|!|

  8. Marcela Bretz avatar

    Thanks boys to make my dream came true in june 11 Rio. I was in your concerts before in 2001, 2009 and 2011 but this one was so special to me it was my first meet and greet and I still can´t believe that Nick (My fav.) cald me to take the picture and Kevin asked how I was. This was the best night of my life and made my 18 years loving you worth. I´m looking forward for more moments like that and a Cruise in Brazil or South America!

  9. Maka_Raven avatar

    I can´t wait for hear the new BSB Album, the solos albums of Howie and AJ. Boys have fun like always in the process =). Success in this creative time. Abrazos <3

  10. Queila Carvalho Littrell avatar

    Preciso que os Backstreet Boys venham a Recife / Brasil todos os anos.