1. Barb Smith avatar

    A very happy birthday to you Brian!! Looking forward to many more years of your beautiful voice gracing all us fans on stage!

  2. BedtimeDelicious avatar

    That hat is fierce. Happy Birthday Brian!

  3. anto_bsb avatar

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!

    wish you have the best birthday ever!
    God bless you and your family.

    Love you!
    See you in a few weeks

  4. Bethany avatar

    Happy Birthday Brian, may you be blessed with a healthy and happy year!!

  5. tatibsb22 avatar

    Happy Birthday Chirp !!!!!!!!!

    all the best!!!!!!!!!

    see ya in a couple of weeks !!!!!!!

  6. Marcelly Melo avatar

    Happy Birthday Brian. I love u!

  7. veronick avatar

    ohhhhh...i really love your pic....;).....happy birthday brian.....luv-ya!!!xxxx

  8. Nickely avatar

    Muchas felicidades y que Dios lo bendiga mucho y por muchos años mas!!!

  9. kate85 avatar

    HAPPY BDAY !!!!!!!! :)))))

  10. CotecitaCarter avatar

    Happy Birthday Brian!! Hope you have a great day in Brasil with your wife, Baylee and all the fans!!
    I love you so much!! Please never change you are, you're an angel that touch my life!!
    See you on March 3!! That day my dream will be come true and I'm going to meet you with the guys!!
    A lot of kisses and hugs from Chile!! Chirp Chirp!!