1. rubia bsb avatar

    Lou está pagando pelo crime que cometeu, ele enganou e mentiu mas somos gratos por ele ter dado oportunidade financeira ao Backstreet Boys talentosos porém sem dinheiro para promover uma turnê e gravar canções, Lou proporcionou isso tudo no início da banda, e agradecemos por ter acreditado nos meninos BSB, porque o que realmente importa para nós é que Backstreet Boys continua em nossas vidas!!!!!

  2. Amrit Kaur avatar

    He lied and cheated... That's just sad but lets look at the bright side... If it wasn't for him, we would not have the backstreet boys... The best and biggest boy band in the universe... Guys, all I want to say is never stop making great music cause I'm a bsb fan for life... No matter how old I get... I'll always have your music with me wherever I go... Even to my death bed...

  3. Kathy Dominguez avatar

    I don't think I would be able to say anything to him, but just thanks for brining BSB in my life.

  4. Rike avatar

    I'm not sure if it makes sense to ask him why and how he could treat the boys like that cause the question is how honest he would be.
    Better no more thinking about it. Finally it's over. The boys fought for what they love so much: the group, the music, the fans, .... .
    We all should be happy to have BSB with their wonderful music in our lives and enjoy it together with BSB.
    And to AJ, Brian, Howie, Kevin and Nick: you've achieved all by yourselves!!!!! Please don't change the way you are!!

  5. Sabrina34 avatar

    I guess I would just say that I'm grateful to him to give the five men that make up BSB a chance. However, I wouldn't ask him why. I doubt he would come up with an answer that was sufficient to make up for, or even justify taking advantage of people that way. I would also say that while maybe he gave BSB a name and a growing popularity at the time, what they became and have become even now, had nothing to do with him. If it did have anything to do with him, it was only to show the boys what not to do and who not to trust. I would end by saying that the man that he was supposed to be to them, they were bigger men than him even at their ages because they didn't let him get away with what he was doing and they kept doing what they loved in spite of how he treated them.

  6. ResaD avatar

    Honestly, i think a lot of us just wanna know why. But dealing with anything with Lou is bitter sweet. He did HELP these guys break into the music scene, and yes, who's to say what could have been? But i believe these 5 men were destined to make music together, so somehow we would have still have gotten music. But, yes, with different management and different people behind them, their sound changes. And truthfully, i feel i already know the answer to they why, money is very powerful. I think, in essence, I would just wanna say.... "all the damage you have done for these men, at least, has only made them stronger and better! do you feel horrible now that you aren't a part of it?" lol...my thoughts anyways.

  7. Bianca80 avatar

    Nothing, that ship has sailed. Of course Lou opened doors for them, but in the end they did it all by themselves. Their sound is beautiful and unique, good looking guys and the way they treat fans is admirable. They gave The Backstreet Boys the status it has today. I truly think we give Lou too much credit.

  8. joanita avatar

    I would say.....why?
    Just tell me why.

  9. Erika Mora avatar

    Of course he's the one we have to thank at 1st for this 5 amazing guys as a band of course fans don't see him as a good figure he saw the boys as a bank and took advantage... but after leaving Lou this guys made a name for themselves and fought for it and they deserve the mayor credit there could ever be, what other POP group stands still from the time they begun, there's no other like OUR BACKSTREETBOYS and I do think Lou used BSB's money to create NSYNC what started shady ended up breaking up...yeah Justin is big but BSB is BIGGER ALL TOGETHER and I'm sooooo happy and glad that my favorite band is still together after all this years yeah I'm not 10 anymore.
    WE LOVE YOU GUYS thank God for giving you the courage and strength needed to fight for your name and music creations, we're very thankful you still want to share this music and moments with us, I'm really looking forward to the concert in June, Mexico misses you guys but mostly me !! <3

  10. sweetdfan avatar

    It's true that the Boys owe their career to his business sense.But it was just about the money and the greed for him, and the fact that he pretended it was anything more personal than that is what hurt them. So I am thankful for his business sense. But I wonder if he even cares about how much he hurt them, and all the other innocent people whose lives were ruined by his schemes? The thing is, even if he said he cared, I don't think I could believe him...