1. Nic avatar

    they weren't alternating. It's just nkotb confirmed their attendence and details before the bsb management did so their tickets were ready to go first. but they didn't get better or more tickets then us. they are split down the middle.

  2. MusicGirl avatar

    So did anyone here get on the pre sales today ? and if so what kind of tickets were available ?

  3. MusicGirl avatar

    So have they been alternating between fan clubs who gets the pre sale first ?

  4. CharChar avatar

    YES. 10AM MST = 11AM PST. If BC is an hour behind us then we're an hour ahead of them, therefore 1 hr ahead of 10 am is 11am.

    Virgin Mobile had the other pre-sale today.

  5. Nic avatar

    yes virgin mobile and nkotb fc had pre sales today

  6. Nic avatar

    it doesn't matter that they had their pre sale they each have certain tix.

    oh yeah. duh I am a moron. 11am is right. why didn't they just say MST since it's in AB. stupid time zones. :/

  7. MusicGirl avatar

    Who had the other pre sale besides NKOTB FC ?

  8. PhotoGirl83 avatar

    10AM PST is 11AM MST. Not 9am.

    If you look it up right now, it's 9:30pm in Calgary and 8:30pm in BC.

  9. MusicGirl avatar

    WTH ??? 2 pre sales ? where ?

  10. PhotoGirl83 avatar

    there's actually been 2 presales today...but we couldn't do a thing about it. there's been so many issues in the past 2 weeks with fan club presales. i'm just glad now that they are finally on sale tomorrow for bsb fc members.