1. Bennyman avatar

    jadejoey : I understand you and really feel for you! But why this hate ? We didn't even dream about it but a lot of fans from Israel attended many concerts this spring in europe and asked for boys to come and also asked local producers to bring them here and somebody did this... instead of hating you should write your local producers and ask them to talk to BSB manager to invite them for the show and who knows this is the right way .. not hating

  2. FaithInBrian26 avatar

    jadejoey: For the love of God, calm down! Just because they're holding a concert in Israel as opposed to Lebanon, does NOT mean they're in it for the money. What a shameful comment. Who knows? A Lebanon show could pop up any day now, so don't lose hope.

  3. jadejoey avatar

    What!! Why israel not lebanon im starting to hate ur business minds maybe you are doing this for the money thanks to that decision any dream of u coming to my country has faded cuz of that concert

  4. hagitfrom avatar

    i don't get it, i have a membership and i want to but ticket not for the vip. did the pre sale was just for the vip??

  5. Zoya Surkiss avatar


  6. com29 avatar

    After 3 minutes everything was sold out... and 2 minutes before 20.00 the sell was already open, there were no tickets in first rows, maybe they started with last row, but anyway until i finished my purchase everything was sold out.

  7. momi avatar

    why the firsts rows didnt open in the pre-sale????? its not fair every time that i order a seat i recevied error msg that they r taken!!!!!!!! im so sad

  8. momi avatar

    its not fair in 20 nd it doesnt let me order

  9. Elian avatar

    I received the password but I can't buy tickets.... it says all are sold out already and it is only 7:00 PM here... How can it be possible!

  10. Tali Landsberger avatar

    pre sale for VIP area only? because they are all sold out already.