1. veronick avatar

    yeah.... whats the big news????

  2. Racheldunks avatar

    yeah minneapolis!

    whats the big news?!!

  3. francocarterlittrell avatar

    i think also that of news date will be proposed for an europe tour of NKOTBSB, but it's really super for them

  4. Clau Carter avatar

    amazing!!! :)

  5. manokaty avatar

    Proud to see that the Indiana folks are snatching these tickets up :)

  6. vettechnikki avatar

    @kateriggs258 - AJ has battled addiction (drug & alcohol) for many years now. He went into rehab during the B&B tour in 01 and shortly thereafter fell off the wagon and went back into rehab in 02. Between the cruise and New Years I think he was going just a little too crazy and got a little out of control with the drinking so he's back in rehab so he can make another recovery and be healthy and sober by the time the cruise starts.

  7. Mariana avatar

    only you guys can make this possible! :)
    dont forget to come to Mexico!

  8. ashley avatar

    Glad I got my tickets to minnesota.

  9. kimasabe ~ L.A. West :) avatar

    Hey Vanessa & everyone?

    THIS sounds exciting! ^^^^^^^^^^


    DEAR GC POSSE.... THANKS for all you do here & we can't wait to hear the "BIG NEWS"!

  10. Erin avatar

    OMG i didnt even know about AJ. I really hope he is going to be ok and I know I support him 100 percent. Good luck AJ and we love you here in NH