1. Happygirl3 avatar

    PLEASE COME TO UTAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Amanda avatar

    So glad I got my tickets to Indianapolis! Front row at that! I am so freaking excited! Gonna be a long 6 months...lol

  3. Amanda avatar

    Me too. I was just on TMZ, and man people can be mean!

    Good luck AJ! Your fans are rooting for you and are proud that you chose to do this before it got too out of hand. We love you and good luck in your journey!

  4. Staci avatar

    I am so glad I got my tickets to the Minneapolis show right away :)

  5. Staci avatar

    I wonder what the big news will be!? and when they will post the big news. cant wait to find out!

  6. Sway_Shay avatar

    Still waiting for big news ;)

  7. BSBGirl75 avatar

    What's the news?? Extra date in Washington DC?? Just guessing we will just have to wait and see.

  8. BSBgirl337 avatar

    I hope the news was not about AJ. I'm surprised there isn't anything on this website. I had a feeling he was going to rehab from what he wrote on twitter. Good luck, AJ! We love you!

  9. Michi avatar

    Nooooooo, I didn't got my tickets for Greensboro, because I didn't have money.
    Please, come to Charlotte, NC or Columbia, SC!!!!

  10. SttEfY BsB avatar

    big news? please...dates for EUROPE!!