1. Mem03 avatar

    Sweden gothenburg want you to come back too and after party

  2. NLDanielle avatar

    Come back to holland;)

  3. Niccie_B avatar

    yeaaah come back to the Netherlands!! And preferably HMH cause in Ahoy everything was so poorly arranged by the event centre... You may do it twice or even 3 times, we will be there!! <3

  4. Terezie Linda avatar

    Coming to see you from Norway. Can´t wait! Last time was fantastic! :D If you´ll manage to squeeze in Norway as well, I am of course going to enter both <3

  5. Speedy_Ingrid avatar

    Maybe just ONE more show in Holland boys ;)
    Always Sold Out You know that ;)

  6. Keshadk avatar

    already buyed tickes, ! cant wait i´m so happy!:D

  7. Thauks avatar

    Can´t wait! I hope there'll be the possibility of upgrading your tickets to VIP tickets :)

  8. Sisse Sondergaard avatar

    I didn't mean Allah, I ment Always, stupid IPad ;-)

  9. Sisse Sondergaard avatar

    Soooo cooool can't wait :-D we Allahs only get 1 concert per tour here in dk so nice if only they came here ;-)

  10. Mem03 avatar

    Sweden too please