1. Isch avatar

    Zu schön um wahr zu sein! Was würde ich nicht alles tun um die Jungs zu treffen! Möchte dieses Gold-Upgrade sooooooo gerne gewinnen! Dann würde mein grösster Traum in Erfüllung gehen ;))

  2. ANN_ETT avatar

    meeee.........only for HAMBURG!!!!!

  3. Paulette avatar

    Good Luck for all :)

  4. aLiKi avatar

    I am flying to France from Greece on Monday for the concert in Paris. It will be my first BSB concert! I am a fan from 1996 when I was 15 years old and now I am 32 years old. Can you imagine? Now I am a mother of a 3,5 years old adorable girl and my hubby told me: Go and follow your dream! I will take care of our baby... Winning the Gold VIP ticket is a dream coming true. Stand before the BSB and telling them that growing up with them was an unforgettable journey! Thank you for the music and thank you for sticking all together united, giving hope and sharing your true passion with us.

  5. crazy_is_normal avatar

    My birthday is on March the 18th so pleeeaaase pick me up for Oberhausen. Would be the best bday present ever :))

  6. Simona girlkika avatar


  7. goldhamsterj avatar

    Pleeeeeeeaaaaaaase @groundctrl pick me for Copenhagen...i want it soooo bad....I'm flying across half Eruope to see the guys......

  8. AngelSun avatar

    I want to win a gold VIP for Düsseldorf :-)

  9. Louise Haensch avatar

    I really want the GULD TICKET Please let me win it

  10. vkrosvik avatar

    only 4 days to BSB concert!! Hope I win GOLD in Stavanger so I can take my friend With me =)