1. melis584 avatar

    this performance was sooo good!! :)

  2. Nickely avatar

    happy new year!!!!

  3. virgovixen avatar

    I wasn't at home to watch but I did record it and I cant wait to watch. Happy New Year fellow BSB fans!!!!

  4. Ana Karen =) avatar

    And happy new years to everyone!!! =D

  5. Ana Karen =) avatar

    @ inge

    enjoy :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OKhsIXGxb7s

  6. BSBgirl337 avatar

    I loved how some parts were the same as the AMA's, but they added some other songs!! Loved it, loved it, loved it! :)

  7. vettechnikki avatar

    My New Year was also started off wonderfully by them announcing an Orlando tour date for the NKOTBSB tour!!! Made my year already Boys!! Better start saving now I want the best VIP package I can buy!

  8. Inge avatar

    the performance you can find it on youtube.

    everyone a happy new year

  9. Roberta avatar

    Does anyone know where I can watch the preformance online....I saw it last night but would love to watch it again :)

  10. sofdlovesbsb avatar

    They Owned it! The Boys Sounded Great and I squealed everytime they mentioned their name,I felt like a teeny all over again. I only know four guys that get me this excited to watch tv.lol Great Performance,Bring on the Tour!