1. Fernanda avatar

    Some people simply don't have a life to take care of.. guys, let's be reasonable... let's enjoy holidays and let the worries for January. Let's freak out at the right moment.. this is not the time and place to freak out....

  2. NancyJP avatar

    Ohhhhhhhhh Eddiieee ^.~ Haven't seen you since .... last year XD I couldn't renew my membership XD But here I am again ^^

    And THANK YOU very much for posting some information about the VIPs ^^ Now I can enjoy my holidays relieved LMAO

    I can't wait to buy my VIP ^^ THO I wished to buy Platinum XD instead I want a silver one \o/ It doesn't matter ... what really matter is that I can afford the silver one ^^ and I'm happy for it LOL THANKS EDDIEEE ^^ you ROCK!!!

  3. carolina_diaz avatar

    wuaaaaaaaaaa a seguir esperando ... que nervios

  4. eddie avatar

    why is it a bad idea? you get to save money longer, get to not stress till after the holiday and we get to plan it out for ya. You guys are awesome but let's not freak out!

  5. angie Carter17 avatar

    thanks for your comment tati!!! I Venezuelan too!

  6. angie Carter17 avatar

    hi! u r right! I was happy when I read " after the holiday" thanks for the info and, please fans just be chill out man!!

  7. Florrangel avatar


  8. Skulleez_69 avatar

    Para las que estan molestas por las NO fechas del VIP....les comento que todavia no estan porque no cerraron en donde van a estar, en cada pais, y tienen que confirmar viaje, estadia, y muchas cosas mas.....priorizaron eso, antes de los VIP....ademas tienen que preparar como van hacer para los VIP en cada pais.

  9. camila_j avatar

    "Someone" posted this YESTERDAY:

    "Hey South America! VIP onsale dates and times will be announced TOMORROW afternoon"

    So yes, someone said would be TODAY.

  10. tatibsb22 avatar

    Thanks Eddie!!

    here in Venezuela understand the situation and we wish you guys a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

    and see you in March 10th